Some statistics...
After about a year of teaching here, I thought it'd be interesting to see a few stats on who's been joining.
So far, at my latest count, 31 students enrolled in the past year (excluding the International School class). Many had just one class and left, most dropped out after less than 5 classes. Pretty average...
Some observations:
- overwhelmingly unmarried men
- by far the largest age group is 21-25, my favorite, followed by 15-20, my second favorite
- many have vast "budo" experience, many don't have at all
- the vast majority are still beginners (<10 classes), although that includes the droupouts... - it took less than 10 classes for the dropouts to, well, drop out (most dropped out after < 5 classes) - Reasons given for attending classes are out of this world... but not much different than what you'll find in any dojo around the world.
Classes attended so far:

Number of classes attended when dropped out:

Prior Budo experience:

Married or not ?


Reasons given to join the Kendo class:
To fully understand bushido and the way of the samurai
To become a better person and lose weight
It is interesting and maintain discipline
A new experience
New experience, wish to learn as much arts
A new experience
To attain some measure of discipline, self defense, fitness and peace
Interest in the art form and as a part of a keep fit program
To enhance the abilities of my mind & body. To acquire self-discipline. To learn about the japanese culture of the sword.
Stress, Energy to spend
It is my belief that one can obtain true spiritual enlightment only by going into a state of "no mind". I hope that Kendo can reveal this to me.
I have always been interested in Martial art and asian culture
To continue to develop my mind and spirit in the Way, Kendo helps me focus on the job at hand
I believe that the way of the sword runs in direct line of my paths in life
I'm inspired by the art of swordsmanship
Always wanted to learn a martial art
Always wanted to practice a martial art and now I've found one which I'm interested in.
To focus my desire to do a martial art, to hopefully learn some asian tradition and to seek purpose
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