Monday, February 28, 2005

Try kendo "as a new thing"

Lots of people here do martial arts. Well that's what they call taekwando, kung fu, tai chi, jujitsu, and all the karate variations. It's surprising in a way... There seems to be very few "legitimate" senseis and few people have the chance to visit and practice in Japan and China. But on the other hand, martial arts are somewhat cheaper than any other sport. It also appeals to the animalistic nature that Trini locals seem to have plenty of.

Beyond the fact that everybody here seems to have practiced some form of martial art at one point or another, is that very few have persevered and stuck with one discipline for more than a few years. A lot of the people in my class have already been through 3 or 4 different disciplines, and often, their approach to Kendo is "I want to check it out". So it seems to me that horizontal mobility is the norm. I wonder if it's the same situation in other sports (football, cricket,...)
So far the ones with the least budo experience (K for example) are the most serious about Kendo, and the ones with most experience are long gone.