Kendo things that make you go hmmm...
1- When in seiza, why is the bokken blade towards the outside and the shinai tsuru facing the floor ?2- Really, what is the Tare for ?
3- What's all the fuss with eye protection against "potential" shinai splinters ?
4- Why is the 3rd bokken kihon "Harai waza" ?
5- Why learn waki/hasso kamae ?
6- Why isn't the protection on the right kote systematically different than the left ?
7- Why do 99.9% of the Kendoka not know any Seitei Iai developed by AJKF ?
8- Why is the shinai so much longer than the bokken?
9- Why aren't shinai ready to use after buying them (ie, you have to prep them) ?
10- Why isn't itto-ryu taught?
11- Why each sensei teach a different way of doing kata
12- Why do "Americanized" Japanese sensei (issei/nisei) talk so much during a practice, yet sensei traveling from Japan barely talk?
13- does anyone in Kendo really know the difference between seigan and chudan no kamae?
14- why do tare and do last a lifetime but men and kote don't ?
15- why do they teach "the right way to cut" but we never get to ever cut anything?
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