New life...
Back to blogging after a while and much change in my life. Started working for a local company and am in charge of marketing, sales and a bunch of operations. For the last month it has kept me really busy and I haven't taken the time to write down my thoughts.
Kendo hasn't really slowed down, except last week while I was gone to Miami for a week. I expected the guys to practice in my absence but apparently they had "more important" things to do.... I was disappointed to hear that most didn't show up for practice. The younger ones are in the middle of their term exams. I guess that's a valid reason.
Otherwise, practice has been good, with more time spent with full bogu, more jigeiko and even some practice shiai from time to time. I'm giving them more and more material specific to shiai and they seem to get it:
- rules & regulations
- oji / shikake waza
- counter reactions
- kiai, timing, zanshin...
- breathing, moving
I won't go into specifics... But the idea is to increase the tempo and more importantly to make them sensitive to added pressure without losing control of their basics. I think if we can achieve this by Aruba then they'll be ready.