First class at International School
Wow! Can't believe how un-focused these kids are. Rich, priviledged and mostly abandoned from their parents... That'll do it to you. The kids are very friendly but desperately need some order and guidance. Nice space (we get to use half of a gymnasium) that we share with little kids playing basketball. Makes things very rowdy and noisy. Also, and that's the main problem, some kids who don't have classes spend some time in the gym, creating distractions for the ones doing something. And some just run or casually walk through the practice space. Ashmir (the activities coordinator) said he would do something about it next time. Well it was interesting, to say the least. They are willing to learn but seem to be unable to focus and pay attention for more than 3 seconds at a time. Kendo doesn't allow that so they'll need to "get on with the program"... What I plan on doing is get them really tired with 30 minutes of suburi and suriashi, and then move along to something new. That's the strategy usually with kids but for the ones with "special needs" it's all the more important. Their ages go from about 8/9 to 12/13, so they are consistent in size and maturity. One stands out by his size and willingness to learn. Actually 2 or 3 of them seem to be "naturals".
So today after a short introduction, I showed them the kanji for Kendo and explained. Each week I'll bring a new "theme" for them to see and learn. I also want to force them into learning some Japanese, at least counting, and polite words.
After, this is what followed:
- mokuso
- rei
In circle, with bokken
- jogei-buri for warmup
- explanation of hand grip
- men uchi, only arm swings
- men uchi, only arm swings w/ kiai
- foot placement
- suriashi 1 forward, 1 back
Across room
- suriashi forward and back
- increase speed
In circle,
- shomen uchi (step & hit)
- men-men, step back
Maai, in pairs
- face partner, tip to tip
- forward 1 step, back 1 step
- forward 2 steps, back 2 steps
- one side leads front or back, other follows
- change sides...- with rotation
Ending suburi
- shomen uchi, 20 times
Line up, mokuso, rei
As far as I can tell, they liked it. While I have a nice headache...
Next week, I'll have them use shinai, and we'll do a lot of suburi and suriashi (above).

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